redux 的一切都从 createStore 开始
const store = redux.createStore(reducer, preloadedState, enhancer);复制代码
createStore 可以接受三个参数:
- reducer 必须 {functioin} 计算 state 改变的函数
- preloadState 可选 {object} 最初的 state
- enhancer 可选 {function} store 的增强器
如果没有设置最初的 state,第二个参数也可以传 enhancer
const store = redux.createStore(reducer, enhancer);复制代码
// 如果第二个参数是 function,没有第三个参数// 那么就认为第二个参数是 enhancer,preloadedState 是 undefinedif (typeof preloadedState === 'function' && typeof enhancer === 'undefined') { enhancer = preloadedState preloadedState = undefined}复制代码
最终 createStore 返回一个 store
return { dispatch, subscribe, getState, replaceReducer, // ...}复制代码
接下来我们一个个来看 store 对象里的这些成员。
dispatch 负责发出 action:
store.dispatch({ type: 'ACTION_TYPE' });复制代码
dispatch 只接收一个参数,那就是 action
,最终返回这个 action。
dispatch 只做了两件事:
- 获取 reducer 计算的新的 state,并把旧的 state 换成新的 state
- 调用通过
注册的 listener
function dispatch(action) { // ... if (isDispatching) { throw new Error('Reducers may not dispatch actions.') } try { isDispatching = true // **核心工作**:调用 reducer 计算出最新的 state // oldState + action => newState // reducer 在获取到新的 action 通知后,计算出最新的 state currentState = currentReducer(currentState, action) } finally { isDispatching = false } // 调用通过 store.subscribe(listener) 注册的监听函数 const listeners = (currentListeners = nextListeners) for (let i = 0; i < listeners.length; i++) { const listener = listeners[i] listener() } // 原封不动的返回 action return action}复制代码
currentState = currentReducer(currentState, action)// nextState = reducer(prevState, action)复制代码
可以看出,我们传进去的参数 reducer 必须是这样的:接受 state 和 action,通过一顿计算之后,返回新的 state。至于怎么计算,就是我们自己编写了。
注册事件,每次 dispatch action 的时候都会调用。
subscribe(listener) 接收一个 {function} listener 作为参数,同时返回一个函数用来注销原来注册的时间 listener
function subscribe(listener) { //... nextListeners.push(listener) return function unsubscribe() { // ... const index = nextListeners.indexOf(listener) nextListeners.splice(index, 1) }}// 注册const unsubscribe = store.subscribe(() => { console.log('action dispatched!'); });// 注销unsubscribe();复制代码
getState 方法返回最新的 state
function getState() { // ... return currentState}复制代码
replaceReducer 接收一个参数 {function} reducer。用传入的 reducer 替换原来的 reducer
function replaceReducer(nextReducer) { // ... currentReducer = nextReducer dispatch({ type: ActionTypes.REPLACE })}复制代码
createStore 续
接下来我们继续回来看看 createStore 里的逻辑:
function createStore(reducer, preloadedState, enhancer) { // ... if (typeof enhancer !== 'undefined') { if (typeof enhancer !== 'function') { throw new Error('Expected the enhancer to be a function.') } return enhancer(createStore)(reducer, preloadedState) } if (typeof reducer !== 'function') { throw new Error('Expected the reducer to be a function.') } let currentReducer = reducer let currentState = preloadedState let currentListeners = [] let nextListeners = currentListeners let isDispatching = false // ... dispatch({ type: ActionTypes.INIT }) return { dispatch, subscribe, getState, replaceReducer, [$$observable]: observable }}复制代码
对的,就只有这么一点逻辑:如果有 enhancer,返回 enhancer 的执行结果,然后 dispatch 一个初始化的 action -- { type: ActionTypes.INIT }
所以这个 enhancer 大有文章,是块硬骨头。而 enhancer 我们在使用的时候知道,是调用 applyMiddleware
生成的,但是 applyMiddleware 里有个非常重要的函数,必须要先拿出来讲一讲 -- compose
compose 函数接收若干个函数作为参数,并从右到左组合起来,返回这个组合起来的函数。
function compose(...funcs) { if (funcs.length === 0) { return arg => arg } if (funcs.length === 1) { return funcs[0] } return funcs.reduce((a, b) => (...args) => a(b(...args)))}复制代码
function a(...args) { console.log('a', [...args]); return { a: [...args] }; }function b(...args) { console.log('b', [...args]); return { b: [...args] }; }function c(...args) { console.log('c', [...args]); return { c: [...args] }; }compose(a, b, c);复制代码
(...args) => a(b(c(...args)))复制代码
对的,返回的是一个函数,这个函数接收若干个参数 args
,并且把这些参数给 c
执行,然后 c
执行的结果再次作为参数给 b
compose(a, b, c)(1, 2, 3, 4, 5);// c [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]// b [{ c: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] }]// a [{ b: [{ c: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]}] }]复制代码
搞懂了 compose,接下来就可以看这个源码了:
function applyMiddleware(...middlewares) { return createStore => (...args) => { const store = createStore(...args) let dispatch = () => { throw new Error( `Dispatching while constructing your middleware is not allowed. ` + `Other middleware would not be applied to this dispatch.` ) } const middlewareAPI = { getState: store.getState, dispatch: (...args) => dispatch(...args) } const chain = => middleware(middlewareAPI)) dispatch = compose(...chain)(store.dispatch) return {, dispatch } }}复制代码
原来 applyMiddleware
啥也没做,就返回了一个函数 createStore => { // ... }
。这就是我们传到 createStore 里的 enhancer,它又接收 createStore 函数作为参数,返回了一个函数 (...args) => { // ... }
,我们暂且叫它 executor。
function createStore(reducer, preloadedState, enhancer) { // ... return enhancer(createStore)(reducer, preloadedState) // ...}// 拆分为const enhancer = applyMiddleware(middileware1, middleware2);const executor = enhancer(createStore);const result = executor(reducer, preloadedState); // 拆分之后就可以主要看这一段了return result;复制代码
function executor(...args) { // 通过传入的参数创建新的 store const store = createStore(...args) // 默认的 dispath let dispatch = () => { throw new Error( `Dispatching while constructing your middleware is not allowed. ` + `Other middleware would not be applied to this dispatch.` ) } // 注入给 middleware() 的参数 { getState, dispatch } // 前面的文章有讲到如何写 middleware, 它的形式: // ({ getState, dispatch }) => next => action => { // ... } const middlewareAPI = { getState: store.getState, dispatch: (...args) => dispatch(...args) } // 把 middleware 执行并存放到数组里 // chain = [ next => action => { // middleware1 }, next => action => { //middleware2 }] const chain = => middleware(middlewareAPI)) // compose 起来,传给最后一个 middleware 的参数是 store.dispatch,上面有讲过 compose dispatch = compose(...chain)(store.dispatch) return {, // 用新的 dispatch 替换最早的 store.dispatch dispatch }}复制代码
我们还是把上面的 dispatch = compose(...chain)(store.dispatch)
compose(...chain)// compose(next => action => { console.log('m1', next) }, next => action => { console.log('m2', next) });// 结果const executor = (...args) => a(b(...args));//其中// a = next => action => { console.log('m1', next) }// b = next => action => { console.log('m2', next) }// 然后dispatch = executor(store.dispatch)// 结果dispatch = a(b(store.dispatch))// 即(store.dispatch /** m2 next */ => { action => { console.log('m2', next) }} /** m1 next */ ) => { action => { console.log('m1', next); }}复制代码
总结下来,假设有 3 个中间件:m1
。这个时候 dispatch 了一个 action。此时的 dispatch 已经不是最原始的 store.dispatch 了。而是经过 compose 过中间件的 dispatch。这个 action 会依次经过 m1, m2, m3 的处理,m1 处理完了之后会调用 next(action)
,这个 next 就是 m2,实际上是调用第二个中间件处理 action,然后依次类推,m2 会调用 next(action)
,这个 next 就是 m3。因为 m3 是最后一个中间件,所以 m3 里的 next
实际上就是 store.dispatch
const redux = require('redux');const enhancer = redux.applyMiddleware( function({ dispatch }) { return function(next) { return function(action) { console.log('m1', next); next(action); } } }, function({ dispatch }) { return function(next) { return function(action) { console.log('m2', next); next(action); } } }, function({ dispatch }) { return function(next) { return function(action) { console.log('m3', next); next(action); } } });const store = redux.createStore(function(state = { test: 'a' }, action) { if (action.type === 'TEST') { return Object.assign({}, state, { test: 'b' }); } return state;}, enhancer);store.dispatch({ type: 'TEST' });// m1 function (action) { // console.log('m2', next);// next(action);// }// m2 function (action) { // console.log('m3', next);// next(action);// }// m3 function dispatch(action) { // if (!(0, _isPlainObject2['default'])(action)) { // throw new Error('Actions must be plain objects. ' + 'Use custom middleware for async actions.');// }// if (typeof action.type === 'undefined') { // throw new Error('Actions may not have an undefined "type" property. ' + 'Have you misspelled a constant?');// }// if (isDispatching) { // throw new Error('Reducers may not dispatch actions.');// }// try { // isDispatching = true;// currentState = currentReducer(currentState, action);// } finally { // isDispatching = false;// }// var listeners = currentListeners = nextListeners;// for (var i = 0; i < listeners.length; i++) { // var listener = listeners[i];// listener();// }// return action;// }复制代码
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